
3 Former Nigerdelta Militants Bag First Class Honours from UK Universities

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First Class Honours from UK Universities
The amnesty deal given to Niger delta militants by the late Umaru Musa Yar’Adua has continued to produce notable news as three (3) former Niger Delta militants are beating the odds and proving that there is hope for youths in the South-South.

According to, three ‘repentant’ militants all recorded milestones in their various disciplines as they all graduated with first class honours in the United Kingdom.

Nicholas Nathaniel Goodness and Terubein Fawei graduated from University of Bedfordshire with first class honours in public relation and telecommunication and networking engineering respectively, while Lucky Godswill Azibanagein graduated with a first class in mechanical engineering and Robotic systems from the University of Liverpool.

The Coordinator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme, Brigadier General Boroh applaudd the young men during an event organised by the Nigerian High Commission in the UK.

General Boroh and also reiterated President Buhari’s commitment towards ensuring that the Amnesty programme is sustained and its desired goals achieved.

In addition, Boroh urged the avengers to emulate the former Niger Delta militants who have laid down their arms to embrace education that can make them indispensable to the world.

He cautioned the economic saboteurs to embrace dialogue and support Mr President on his agenda to develop the Niger Delta region.

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