
US Ambassador fail to Appear before House of Reps over Rape Case

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US Ambassador may Use Video EvidenceProceedings were stalled at a panel of the house of representatives set up to investigate allegations of sexual misconduct against three members of the house due to the failure of the United States Ambassador, James Entwistle, to appear before the panel.

The US ambassador had written a letter to the speaker of the house, Hon Yakubu Dogara in which he levied the allegations against the three legislators, detailing their alleged improper conduct during a visit to the US.

Vanguard reports that the minister of foreign affairs, Mr Geoffrey Onyema was also absent at the sitting probe panel but was said to have sent a letter to the committee on Wednesday, informing the lawmakers that he was attending the executive meeting of the 29th Ordinary Session of the African Union.

Ossai Nicholas Ossai led committee was forced to adjourn the probe till 20th July when the minister will be around to provide answers to his interface with the Ambassador.

Meanwhile members of the committee were reported to have said that the outgoing ambassador had lost his immunity by writing together to the speaker of the house instead of following the formal protocol of routing the letter through the foreign affairs ministry.

I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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