
Medical Students to Spend Minimum of 11 Years in Nigeria – NUC

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medical students
The National Universities Commission (NUC) has stated that henceforth, Medical students will spend a minimum of 11 years in the university.

Prof. Julius Okojie, the Executive Secretary of the Commission, disclosed this yesterday in a lecture delivered at the maiden matriculation and inauguration of the University of Medical Science, Ondo State.

Okojie, who was represented by the Deputy Executive Secretary of the commission, Chiedu Mafiana, said the new development was necessary in order to enable the students mature psychologically for the profession.

Okojie’s representative explained that the 2015 document for the training of medical students made provision for students to spend the first four years in studying basic sciences in university after which they would proceed to the medical school to spend another seven years.

Mafiana stressed the need for adequate funding of medical training and practice, admonished the management of the institution to ensure that the money earmarked for the development of the institution was used for the purpose it was meant.

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