
Rights Group to Report Father Mbaka to the Pope (Read Why)

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father mbakaRev. Father Ejike Mbaka of the Adoration Ministries has been accused by the Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria () of peddling rumors and sensationalism in his prediction of multiple assassination attempts on President Muhammadu Buhari in 2016.

Father Mbaka, Founder, Adoration Ministries, Enugu had on Friday, January 1st, predicted that the president will have several attempts made on his life by corrupt beneficiaries of the last administration.

He gave this warning in the presence of thousands of worshippers who had gathered for prayers into 2016.

The HURIWA has brought to bare on the cleric’s prophecies.

In a statement jointly signed by the group’s National Coordinator, Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko and the National Media Affairs Director, Miss Zainab Yusuf, the Catholic Bishops Conference (CBCN) has been asked to sanction the Reverend Father within 21 days.

HURIWA also stated that the Father had jettisoned his calling as a priest to dabble into politics which he knows nothing about while hiding under the cloak of a priestly vocation.

The group also said that if the CBCN fails to sanction the cleric as requested, he would be reported to the Holy Father Pope Francis at the Vatican.

The group stated that:

“Mbaka should cover his face in shame for displaying gross ignorance of the workings of the democratic and law based tenets and provisions of the constitution which deems suspects brought before the court of competent jurisdiction as totally innocent in the eye of the law until contrary determination is made by the Court in line with due process of the law.”

“Is Fr Mbaka a judge who has passed presiding over cases of alleged graft involving any immediate past political office holder and adjudged them guilty of corrupt practices?

“Is Fr Mbaka unaware that as the Commander-in-Chief of the Nigerian Armed Forces that President Muhammadu Buhari is the most protected citizen in Nigeria now with hundreds of well armed and highly trained professional guards drawn from the Nigerian Military and the Secret Police headed by President Muhammadu Buhari’s kinsman?

“Is Fr Mbaka unaware that Nigeria under President Muhammadu Buhari is waging a counter-terror war and that the armed Islamists have vowed in several media recordings to kill not just the Commander in chief but officials of government? This Mbaka’s whitewash must be consigned to the dustbins without further delay,” the group finished.

I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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  1. Pingback: Father Mbaka Prophesy's on Plot to kill Buhari stir Outrage - Echonaija

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