
Bovi Blasts Nigerian Pastors, Read Why

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bovi blasts Nigerian pastors Comedian Bovi has a message most Nigerian Pastors will not want to see. Bovi who is unarguably one of the most gifted comedians of recent times continues to gain all the global recognition he deserves.

While the world hurries to buy tickets to his events and pay him handsomely for every appearance, same cannot be said of home and it is all thanks to Pastors who expect him to perform for free.

The comedian apparently had been ignoring this, but he is done enduring the blackmail.

The worst set of clients to underrate me are church pastors,” Bovi writes today on Snapchat. “The shock they show when I charge. What were you thinking – that I was coming to preach?”

The comedian’s experiences is similar to the many complaints filed by writers, artistes and entertainers who occasionally recount similar experiences.

According to Bovi, he is done and has taken to social media to not only put the clergymen on the blast, but also affirm that he gives to charity too, but at his own preserve

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I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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