
Emma Nyra has a word for Female Critics (Read)

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emma nyra CEO NyraNation, Emma Nyra is one of the most criticized celebrities and her concealed romance and eventual breakup with her former label boss Ubi Franklin did not help the budding songstress.
The former Triple MG act who spent the weekend over in Abuja for a show seems to have had it up with critics and haters.

She penned down a piece on her instagram page to the women who constantly criticize her.

Read below:

“Ladies this message is for you. I think it’s sad that every single day, I receive negative and constructive criticism from women who have never constructed anything. Every single thing I do is criticized because I’m In the public eye, fair enough that’s what I signed up for in order to be a female artist. You may also want to understand why I am successful and why I will always be successful. It is because of women! The women who have dedicated their time and talent to work with me, Collab with me, and advise me. The women that look after their fellow woman by building her up, instead of tearing her down. This is why men are successful because they help each other grow. The most important woman in my life (my mom) is a very successful business woman and my whole life I watched her take criticism from women who tried to bring her down. She handled it all with a smile and killed them with success. I wrote this to challenge women. This year as a woman, challenge yourself to support other women around you. Mentor younger girls and make them stronger. Lift each other up. Define womanhood. 2016 #YearofTheWoman”.

Ladies this message is for you. I think it's sad that every single day, I receive negative and constructive criticism from women who have never constructed anything. Every single thing I do is criticized because I'm In the public eye, fair enough that's what I signed up for in order to be a female artist. You may also want to understand why I am successful and why I will always be successful. It is because of women! The women who have dedicated their time and talent to work with me, Collab with me, and advise me. The women that look after their fellow woman by building her up, instead of tearing her down. This is why men are successful because they help each other grow. The most important woman in my life (my mom) is a very successful business woman and my whole life I watched her take criticism from women who tried to bring her down. She handled it all with a smile and killed them with success. I wrote this to challenge women. This year as a woman, challenge yourself to support other women around you. Mentor younger girls and make them stronger. Lift each other up. Define womanhood. 2016 #YearofTheWoman

A photo posted by Emma Nyra (@emmanyra) on

I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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