
True Theory (Free Verse) Audio + Video – Kel

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Kel is definitely back and is bringing real hip hop with her! The rapper who has been away from the music scene for a while says her drive has been refueled by the influx of mediocre rap in the music industry.

‘Music used to evoke emotions in me, it made me feel things. I want to help bring back the feel good/real hip hop music that you can vibe to and makes you think. Rap is my way of expression and my tool for storytelling, and seeing as i have some life experience now,you can bet i have a lot of things to say through my music’

She calls this a warm up to her official single which will be out in a few weeks. Till then, enjoy True Talk (free verse) #BringBackHipHop.  True Theory video was shot by Bash’em for Trip City Visuals


I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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