
Theresa May takes over as Cameron steps Aside as Prime Minister

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Cameron-MayOutgoing British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that serving as Britain’s prime minister for six years was “the greatest honor of my life” in his last speech before stepping aside for a new government.

BBC reports that David Cameron told MPs he would “miss the roar of the crowd”, as Theresa May gets ready to move into 10 Downing Street.

Cameron announced his resignation after Britain voted to leave the 28-member European Union in the June 23 referendum, during which he campaigned to remain in the EU.

49 year old Cameron thanked his wife, Samantha, and their three children, Nancy, Elwen and Florence for their support, before speaking of a legacy that includes legalizing same-sex marriage, investing in the National Health Service and giving aid to the poorest people and countries in the world.

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve our country as prime minister over these last six years, and to serve as leader of my party for almost eleven years,” he said. “And as we leave for the last time, my only wish is continued success for this great country that I love so very much.”

During a generally light-hearted and jocular session – his 182nd as PM – Cameron dismissed suggestions he will look to take over as the host of Top Gear or England manager, joking they “sound even harder” than being PM.

He then headed to Buckingham Palace to formally give his resignation as prime minister to Queen Elizabeth II as Theresa May arrived at the palace to be appointed prime minister.

Theresa May, who became leader of the ruling Conservative Party on Monday, was greeted with a huge cheer as she entered the House of Commons for prime minister’s questions.

A former Home Secretary, May will be Britain’s second female prime minister after Margaret Thatcher, who ran the country between 1979 and 1990.

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