
New IG of Police set to Retire 30 Senior Officers

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New IG of Police set to Retire 30 Senior Officers Buhari appoints Ibrahim Kpotun Idris as Acting Inspector-General of Police
Newly appointed police boss, Ibrahim Kpotun Idris is set to retire over 30 senior officers of the Nigerian Police force.

Ibrahim had reportedly sent a letter to the Presidency last week recommending the retirement of some top officers in the police ranks.

In response to the letter, the presidency has allegedly marked out officers who are of the rank of Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of police, for immediate disengagement.

The reason for the proposed disengagement is unclear at the moment.

The new Inspector-General of Police blocked all the efforts of the AIGs to visit him following his appointment according to reports.

ThisDay quoted an anonymous source to have said, “There is serious tension at the Police Headquarters in Abuja. We have heard that the new acting IG wants to retire both his seniors and course mates.”

“On Friday, he wrote to the presidency, through the Chief of Staff, Abba Kyari, and it was approved and forwarded to the desk of the President for final approval.”

“According to what Idris wrote, his reason why he asked for their retirement is that he cannot work with them. He said he wants to, in all sense of the word, take charge of the police.”

“He said since he has been given the responsibility to provide security, it was imperative that these AIGs be removed because they might be a clog in his wheel of progress.”

“With this move, there is a tendency to make 14 Commissioners of Police AIGs since the available and compulsory vacancy for AIGs is 26. Already before now, 12 AIGs were promoted. From the 12, they will take seven of them to become Deputy Inspector General (DIGs) of Police and then they will be forced to go to the CP rank to fill up the AIG rank of 26.”

“We wonder why they are removing experienced hands that would have helped him steer the police to greater heights. These officers that will be retired, are the last set of senior policemen that were trained abroad, and have gone for short courses.”

“I don’t know why we are wasting manpower. By removing these old hands, we will have to expend huge amount.‎”

I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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