
Miss Bumbum Pageant Cause Stir with Recreation of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper

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bumbumBrazil’s 2016 Miss Bumbum beauty pageant has sparked major outrage after the contestants recreated popular religious painting by Leonardo Da Vinci of The Last Supper.

The photo shared by Daily Mail has eight models competing for the big butt crown portrayed as Jesus Christ and his followers having the historical supper before his crucifixion.

The photo has stirred anger especially among the Catholic community in Brazil with many priests describing the photo as ‘deeply disrespectful’, prompting some of the models involved to show remorse, and ask ‘forgiveness from God for a great sin’.



Speaking last night, Daiana Fegueredo who played Jesus in the photo shoot, says she regrets taking part in it. “I did the photo because of my contract. But I didn’t like it and I wasn’t happy about it. You can’t play around with the word of God,” she said.

I completely understand people being angry about it, because even I’m angry and I’m in it. For me it is blasphemy,” she continued.

Adding, “I feel really bad deep inside of me. I’m a practising Catholic. Since I did the photo my heart is tight inside my chest, I can’t sleep and I don’t stop thinking about it. I’ve already asked forgiveness from God, and I ask forgiveness from everyone else. We went too far. We were part of a great sin.”

Also, Danny Morais claims she didn’t know they were recreating the religious painting, but added that:

Afterwards I was filled with remorse. God knows my heart and knows I wasn’t being bad. I think we can be controversial in other ways, but not using God’s name, not using a biblical story.”

One of the most profound criticism came from Father Clesio Vieira of the Volta Redonda diocese of Rio de Janeiro, who said the photo has caused ‘great offence’ to Catholics.

Everyone’s talking about it. It has broken the boundaries of ethics and respect, all in the name of money. This isn’t creativity, it’s the vulgarisation of the sacred and is deeply disrespectful,” he said.

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