
Lilian Esoro spills Secret Behind Her Failed Marriage With Ubi Franklin

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lilian-1Fresh reports have emerged why Nollywood actress, Lilian Esoro and Ubi Franklin Triple MG boss, who were married for less than a year before their marriage hit the rocks were reported to have finally separated.

Vanguard reports that distance between the couple and infidelity might be the reason for their seperation.

“Popular TV series actress Lilan Esoro has revealed reasons as to what led to her failed marriage to Ubi Franklin.

According to reports, a filmmaker and closed friend to the thespian, who pleaded anonymity, say she always complained about how distanced her husband was. “He never showed up in any of her filming location and this was often a thing of worry for Lilian” he said.

Other reports stated infidelity and physical abuse as other reasons their wedding packed up 4 months ago, immediately their son Jayden was born. Recall that words once emerged on the street saying Lilian wanted to marry another Nollywood actor who is now married, but opted for Ubi who was a backup plan from the start. And their marriage is said to be loveless from the beginning. Another claim alleged that Ubi Franklin wasn’t even plan B as she has always been the girlfriend of a very successful comedian. However, Entertainment commentators say Lilian Esoro said no when Ubi Franklin initially proposed but he did all he can to convince her including her family as he was overly generous to them.”

I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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