
Kim Kardashian Leaks Kanye West’s Phone Call to Taylor Swift, Taylor replies

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Kim Kardashian Leaks Kanye West’s Phone Call to Taylor Swift, Taylor replies Taylor Swift Feud

Courtesy – E!

Kanye West’s Famous lyrics have caused a whole lot of trouble between himself and singer Taylor Swift.

In the song, Ye rapped about how he might still have s*x with Taylor because he “made that b***h famous.” Taylor had slammed Kanye for the lyrics, but the rapper and his wife Kim Kardashian had claimed that Taylor had heard the lyrics Ling before they were released.

The wife of Kanye West took to Snapchat to defend her husband by posting the videos that prove Taylor Swift gave him the permission to sing about her in his ‘Famous’ track off the album, The Life of Pablo. In other words, according to Kim’s reveal, Taylor Swift Lied.

Taylor denied knowledge of ‘Famous’ in a statement her publicist gave Buzzfeed, But it is now clear that she lied.

“Kanye did not call for approval, but to ask Taylor to release his single ‘“Famous’ on her Twitter account,” the statement to Buzzfeed News said, “She declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message. Taylor was never made aware of the actual lyric, ‘I made that bitch famous’.”

From the video Kim posted on Snapchat, Kanye West is seen asking Swift for permission to use the verse, and the pop singer gave her consent and even thanked West for telling her about it first.

the transcript of the conversation as published by FADER:

Kanye West: OK, dope. You still got the Nashville number?

Taylor Swift: I still have the nashville area code but i had to change it…

Kanye: For all my south side n****s that know me best, feel like me and Taylor might still have s*x.

Taylor: I’m like this close to overexposure.

Kanye: Oh well this one is, uh — I think this is a really cool thing to have

Taylor: I know! I mean it’s like a compliment kind of.

Kanye: What I give a f*ck about is just you as a person, and as a friend.

Taylor: That’s sweet.

Kanye: I want things that make you feel good. I don’t wanna do rap that makes people feel bad.

Taylor: Um, ya. I mean, go with whatever line you think is better. It’s obviously very tongue in cheek either way. And I really appreciate you telling me about it, that’s really nice!

Kanye: Yea. I just felt I had a responsibility to you as a friend. I mean, thanks for being so cool about it.

Taylor: Aw, thanks! Yeah I really appreciate it. Like, the heads up is so nice!

Taylor: …things without like even asking or seeing if I’d be OK with it. And I just really appreciate it. I never would’ve expect you to tell me about a line in your song.

Taylor: And then the flowers that you sent me, I Instagrammed a picture of them and it’s the most Instagram likes I’ve ever gotten. It was like 2.7…

Kanye: Relationships are more important than punchlines, you know.

Taylor: Yeah. I mean, I don’t think anybody would listen to that and be like, Oh, that’s a real diss. Like, she must be crying about…

Taylor: You gotta tell the story the way that it happened to you and the way you experienced it. Like you obviously didn’t know who I was before that.

Taylor: It doesn’t matter if I sold 7 million of that album before you did that, which is what happened. You didn’t know who I was before that.

Taylor: … that I can make these things happen and I have the ideas to do it and I create these things and concepts. And, like, I’m always gonna respect you.

Taylor: And I’m really glad you had the respect to call me that and tell me that as a friend, about the song. It’s just a really cool thing to do, and a really good show of friendship. So thank you.

Kanye: Thank you too.

Taylor: And you know, if people ask me about it, I think it would be great for me to be like, Look, he called me and told me about the line before it came out. Like, joke’s on you guys, we’re fine.

Taylor: You guys wanna call this a feud, you wanna call this throwing shade. But right after the song comes out I’m gonna be on a Grammy red carpet and they’re gonna ask me about it and I’m gonna be like, he called me.

Taylor: …awesome that you’re so outspoken and it’s gonna be like, Yea, she does, it made her famous! It’s more provocative to say, Might still have s*x.

Taylor: …it’s not. It doesn’t matter to me. there’s not one that hurts my feelings and one that doesn’t.

Taylor Swift has changed her story. Now, it isn’t that she West didn’t call for approval, but that she didn’t know he would call her ‘that bitch’ in the song.

I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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