
Enugu Churches Ban Wearing of Topless Dresses

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The Anglican Archdiocese of Enugu has issued a ban on the wearing of ‘topless dresses’ to church weddings, services and receptions .

The Church also prohibited the use of veils to cover topless wedding dresses in all its dioceses.

Most Rev. Emmanuel Chukwuma, Archbishop of the Arch-Diocese of Enugu, announced on Monday, that the ban was enforced in order to return moral chastity on women, who attend such church functions.

Consequently, priests and senior clergymen have been directed to henceforth, inspect wedding gowns and approve them before the solemnisation of weddings.

“I have directed ushers and wardens in various churches in Enugu to ensure that no topless dressed girl, lady or women enters into the Church under any guise.”

“Whether it is the Church wedding, reception or any other programme celebrated in the church or within the church premises.”

“We would collaborate with the governors’ wives to organise seminars and workshops for fashion designers in the zone for them to join this campaign.”

“Fashion designers should be instrumental in dissuading our girls and mothers from the habit of wearing topless dresses.”

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