Boko Haram kill 8 in Borno Church Attack

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Boko Haram's Spiritual Head Negotiation with Boko Haram Khalid Albarnawi boko haram abduct Cameroon Introduces Witchcraft fake boko haram kidnap girlsAl least eight people have lost their lives after suspected members of the dreaded terrorist group, Boko Haram, attacked a church in Borno State, northeast Nigeria, on Monday.

The latest attack comes after Nigerian troops claimed to have degraded the sect following repeated airstrikes and raids on their strongholds that reportedly left their elusive leader Abubakar Shekau fatally wounded.

According to residents report, the incident occurred shortly after the morning service in Kwamjilari village, about 30 kilometres east of the town of Chibok, when armed insurgents on bicycles opened fire on the church.

They later set fire to homes and farms that were due for harvest, before troops were deployed to secure the village, Vanguard writes.

“Some of the worshippers remained around the church and the gunmen opened fire and eight men died,” said Luka Damina, from nearby Kautikeri village, where locals fled.

“Unknown to the residents, the gunmen had stationed some of their comrades on the road leading out of the village and they shot anyone who tried to flee. Many people ran into the bush with gunshot wounds. But so far we can only confirm eight deaths.”

This is the second such attack in the village over the past month after suspected Boko Haram members killed 10 and kidnapped 13 in August.

Though the military has largely reduced the terrorists to sporadic, guerilla-style attacks, the safety of lives and properties in remote rural communities continues to be a challenge.

I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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