
AU e-Passport Launched in Rwanda

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The dream of some past African leaders is coming to a reality as a borderless Africa moved one step towards realisation as African Union leaders in Rwanda on Sunday, launched the new AU e-Passport.

The passport, which is intended to guarantee closer integration and visa-free passage across the 54 member countries, was launched at the 27th AU summit in Kigali,Rwanda .

The passport will first be issued to African heads of state and senior officials. It is planned to be issued to other citizens in 2018.

The first copies of the passport were issued to President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and Idriss Deby of Chad earlier today.

“This flagship project has the specific aim of facilitating free movement of persons, goods and services around the continent – in order to foster intra-Africa trade, integration and socio-economic development,” the AU said in a statement earlier this month.

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