
European Union Replies OEAS on Biafra Agitation

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European unionFederica Mogherini, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security has responded to the call for a referendum by the Organization of Emerging African States, OEAS and the agitators for a Biafra state.

The OEAS callled for the release of all Biafran political prisoners, and a snap referendum held in 90 days for Biafra’s independence, whlie asking on the European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security to use her office to help bring their struggle to fruition.

In reply to the Chief Administrative Officer of OEAS Jonathan Levy, the EU representative said while the European Union has strong ties with Nigeria, its position is to support the protection of human rights saying “protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms remains a priority for the EU and we encourage the authorities [Nigeria] in every occasion to respect such rights.”

She went further to admonish the OEAS that seceding from the country and the resultant border changes must be in line with established international law.

While the OEAS has called for an internationally recognized referendum on Biafra independence or autonomy, the EU has indicated that it will only recognize a Biafra structured via international law and not an armed breakaway.

To achieve this referendum, the OEAS has advised that all nonviolent means should be utilized including general strikes, economic boycotts, work actions, demonstrations, lawsuits, and civil disobedience.

I live for good music & the intrigues Nigeria serves on a daily. At night, I serve on a team trying to build a Motor sports culture in Nigeria

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