
Audu Abubakar is Alive? Twitter Reacts

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kogiAs much as we can not confirm to you yet if Audu Abubakar is dead or alive, we can tell you that
The rumour mill has gone berserk as news suggests that the deceased governorship candidate of Saturday’s Kogi gubernatorial election, Audu Abubakar is alive.

His burial we learnt got postponed as a result of a huge number of party members and other sympathisers from far-flung places who could not arrive early.

Reports said the venue of the interment was flooded with people as early as 8am with cars parking for as long as three kilometres.

Although there’s been no official confirmation or proof of life, people on the scene of his burial are said to be celebrating that he has risen from the dead.

What we know so far is that while waiting for the burial to commence, a prophet prayed for Audu’s corpse in an attempt to bring him back to life.

Audu’s family members rejected the request, but angry youths broke open the door of where his corpse was kept.

‎The prophet was forcefully taken into the room by the irate crowd, who joined him in the prayers chanting: ‘Holy Ghost fire’ and ‘Allahu Akbar’.

While the prayers were being said, the grave-diggers were said to have continued with their work.

Not long into the prayers, news spread round the mammoth crowd that Audu has resurrected and wild jubilation broke out.

At the moment, many are celebrating in the streets of Lokoja over the rumoured resurrection, in spite of an absence of veritable proof that Audu is indeed alive.


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